JCDR - Register at Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X
Dentistry Section DOI : 10.7860/JCDR/2015/10111.5637
Year : 2015 | Month : Mar | Volume : 9 | Issue : 3 Full Version Page : ZD05 - ZD07

Keratoameloblastoma A Rare Entity: A Case Report

Sangeeta J. Palaskar1, Rasika B. Pawar2, Deepakkumar D. Nagpal3, Swati S. Patil4, Pargatsingh T. Kathuriya5

1 Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Vadagaon (bk), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
2 Postgraduate Student, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Vadagaon (bk), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
3 Reader, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Vadagaon (bk), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
4 Postgraduate Student, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Vadagaon (bk), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
5 Postgraduate Student, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Vadagaon (bk), Pune, Maharashtra, India.

NAME, ADDRESS, E-MAIL ID OF THE CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Dr. Rasika Pawar, Postgraduate Student, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Vadagaon (bk), Pune, Maharashtra-411041, India. E-mail : rasikapawar0710@gmail.com

Ameloblastoma is the divond most common odontogenic tumour of oral cavity; which has several different histological variants such as follicular, plexiform, acanthomatous, granular cell, desmoplastic, basal cell, clear cell, hemangiomatous, mucous cell differentiation and keratoameloblastoma. It is common in posterior mandible and has high male predilection in the ratio of 3:1. This report presents a case of keratoameloblastoma in 65-year-old female patient in the anterior mandible region with literature review on clinical features, histopathological findings, radiological appearance and treatment options.


Case Report

A 65-year-old female presented with a complaint of pain and swelling in the anterior mandible since 2 to 3 months. Patient’s family history and medical history were not contributory. On examination, a single swelling was seen in mandibular labial vestibule extending from left to right canine region, measuring around 7 X 3 cm in its greatest diameter, covered with smooth surface and pale pink in colour [Table/Fig-1]. Teeth in the area of lesion were missing and lesion was obliterating the labial vestibule making cortical expansion obvious. Palpation revealed a firm, non tender swelling with regular borders.

Swelling in the anterior mandible causing obliteration of labial vestibule

Patient underwent fine needle aspiration cytology, which was suggestive of giant cell lesion. Hence provisional diagnosis was made as central giant cell granuloma. Radiological examination revealed perforation of labial cortical plate in lateral view. Cone beam computed tomography scan revealed erosion of mandible suggesting a neoplastic process [Table/Fig-2]. Taking into consideration the cytological and radiological findings, the lesion was surgically excised and the tissue was sent for histopathological examination.

Cone beam computed tomography revealed unilocular radiolucent lesion causing erosion of bone

Microscopic examination of excised specimen revealed follicles and plexiform patterns lined by ameloblast like cells with extensive squamous metaplasia and keratin formation in the center [Table/Fig-3]. Connective tissue stroma displayed lamellated stacks of keratin pearls. Dense chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate was found around the large keratin pearls in the connective tissue stroma. Multinucleated reactive giant cells were also found [Table/Fig-4]. These features suggested the diagnosis of keratoameloblastoma. On follow-up after 4 months, patient reported with the same lesion on the same site, keep in mind the lesion has recurred, the surgeons then performed block resection of the anterior mandible. Later patient lost the follow-up.

Photomicrograph showing ameloblastic follicles with squamous metaplasia in the center (10X)

Photomicrograph showing extensive areas of keratin deposition surrounded by chronic inflammatory cells in the connective tissue stroma (10X)


Keratoameloblastoma is an extremely rare variant of ameloblastoma [1] with only 17 cases reported in the literature till October 2014. In 1992, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined KA as an ameloblastoma with extensive keratinization, although the recent WHO classification for odontogenic Tumour has not mentioned this term [2,3]. WHO accepted this lesion in histologic spectrum of acanthomatous ameloblastoma due to focal keratinization [4]. According to Norval et al., KA is a variant of acanthomatous ameloblastoma [2,5]. The reported 17 cases of KA are summarized in [Table/Fig-5].

Review of previously reported cases of kearatoameloblastoma with clinical, radiographic, and histologic features

Sr. No.AuthorAge/ GenderClinical featuresRadiographic featuresHistopathologic featuresTreatmentFollow ups
1Pindborg [6]57/FRight mandibular body and ramusMultilocular radiolucencyPapilliferous histologyUnknownunknown
2Altini et al., [7]28 /MAnterior maxillaMultilocular radiolucencySimple histologyWide local excisionunknown
3Altini et al., [8]76/ MRight mandibleMultilocular radiolucencyPapilliferous histologyHemi mandibulectomyNo evidence till 12 months
4Siar et al., [9]30/ MAnterior mandibleMultilocular radiolucencySimple histology with OKC like featuresResectionUnknown
5Siar et al., [9]35/MLeft mandibleUnknownSimple histology with OKC like featuresHemi mandibulectomyUnknown
6Siar et al., [9]35 /FRight maxillaGround glass with indistinct bordersSimple histology with OKC like featuresUnknownUnknown
7Siar et al., [9]39/ FLeft anterior mandibleUnilocular radiolucencySimple histology with OKC like featuresEnucleationUnknown
8Norval et al., [5]26/ FRight mandible, erosion of boneLobulated radiolucencyComplex histologySegmental resectionUnknown
9Saidal Naief et al., [10]26 /MRight posterior maxillaWell defined unilocular radiolucencySimple histology with OKC like featuresCurettage and partial maxillectomyRecurrence after curettege with in 6 month. Unknown after maxillectomy
10Kaku T [11]35 /MRight body of mandibleUnilocular radiolucency between rootsSimple histologyUnknownUnknown
11Takeda et al., [12]76 /MLeft body of mandibleMultilocular radiolucencyComplex histologyResectionUnknown
12Collini P et al., [13]62 /MRight ramus and condyle of mandibleIrregular radiolucency with calcificationPapilliferous histologyHemi mandilectomyTwo local recurrences at 36 and 38 months
13Whitt et al., [2]45/MAnterior maxillaUnilocular radiolucency with calcificationComplex histologyCurrettageNo evidence at 10 month
14Adeyemi et al., [1]38/ MRight posterior mandibleMultilocular radiolucencyStromal parakeratin deposition with focal cystic change in epithelial islands. Areas of myxoid changeResection of mandibleunknown
15Mohanty N et al., [14]46 /MRight posterior mandibleMultilocular radiolucencyPapilliferous histologyUnkownUnkown
16Ketabi MA et al., [15]21 /FRight anterior MandibleUnilocular radiolucencyComplex histologyEnucleationNo recurrence upto 12 months followup
17Raj V et al., [16]22/FRight Posterior MandibleUnilocular radiolucencySimple histology with stroma showing myxoid areas and cystic degenerationSegmental resectionNo recurrence upto 24 months followup
18Present Case65/ FAnterior MandibleUnilocular radiolucencyComplex histology except for hard tissue formationExcision and block resection of mandibleRecurrence after excision within 4 months, Unkown after block resection of mandible

It has more male predilection than female in the ratio of 3:1. The present case was diagnosed in a female patient. KA is most commonly diagnosed in the age groups ranging from 3rd to 7th decade of life with the mean age of occurrence is 43.8 years [2]. Posterior mandible is more commonly involved followed by maxilla, 13 out of 17 reported cases showed involvement of the mandible where as four cases were present in maxilla [1,3]. In this case the lesion was present anteriorly in the mid -line of mandible.

Radiographic appearance varied from unilocular to multilocular radiolucency with central calcifications seen in two case reports [13]. In the present case, unilocular radiolucency was present with erosion of bony margin and perforation of labial cortical plate.

Whitt et al., [2] summarized the histologic features of KA into 4 subtypes as- (1) Papilliferous histology - in which the odontogenic epithelium is in papillary projections into the cystic spaces, (2) Simple type - in which histology represents epithelial follicles filled with parakeratin or orthokeratin and lined by ameloblast like cells with reversal of polarity; (3) Simple with Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour (KCOT) like features- showed similar features of simple type in addition it contains features of conventional odontogenic keratocyst, (4) Complex histology-consists of epithelial follicles packed with parakeratin or orthokeratin, extrusion of keratin masses into connective tissue stroma in the form of pacinian like stacks with or without foreign body reaction; also there may be hard tissue formation resembling cementum and woven bone [2,3,5]. Our case showed complex histology except for hard tissue formation.

As there is overlap of histologic features between KA and solid variant of KCOT, it is important to distinguish between these two lesions. Features present in KA are- (1) stellate reticulum or its differentiation to squamous cells, granular cells or basal cells; (2) large amount of keratin pearl deposition in the connective tissue [17]. These features are absent in solid variant of KCOT.

The treatment for KA and conventional ameloblastoma or solid variant of KCOT is same i.e. block resection [18]. However, it is difficult to assess whether the biologic behavior of KA differs from other histologic types of ameloblastomas due to less no of cases reported in the literature. In the present case, the patient reported with recurrence in the same region during the follow up after four months and operated for the same. After that, patient lost the follow-up. Out of 17 cases reported in the literature, two cases had recurred. Therefore, the incidence of recurrence of keratoameloblastoma cannot be mentioned based on scarcity of the cases reported. Although, it is a combination of two benign but aggressive lesions, the rate of recurrence and malignant potential needs to be studied [19].


KA is a rare tumour. It differs from acanthomatous ameloblastoma having keratin deposition in the connective tissue. Our case showed complex histology without any hard tissue formation which also showed clinical recurrence after four months. It is therefore mandatory to keep follow up of such cases for longer duration to know the biological behaviour of the lesion.


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